Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Project 16-1

16-1 scanonce

Digging Deeper into System File Checker.

1. What are other parameters for the sfc command besides /scannow?
sfc /scanonce.

2. Explain the purpose of the findstr command when finding the log file.
The findstr command is short for find string and is a command used in MS-DOS to locate files containing a specific string of plain text.

Can a filename other than sfcdetails.txt be used in the findstr command line?
Yeah, it could be anything really. Any file can be found, you just have to be specific.

What is the purpose of the edit command?
to edit things
Explain why the icacls command is needed in the process.
Icacls.exe deal with the process manages Windows dll files and loads them into Windows memory.

List some ways that you can locate a known good copy of the corrupted system file

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Project 15-4

Using Ntbtlog.txt

I have to compare ntbtlog.txt from standard, to safe mode.
The differences are quite a bit. I can't really go in and explain the specifics being this blog would be like 20 pages long. But I took a screen shot of the properties window of the 2 different ntbtlogs next to eachother to show the file differences, and how safemodes ntbtlog is quite a bit larger than the standard ntbtlog

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Project 15-3

For this project I have to boot into the Recovery Environment using the windows 7 dvd.
I am to execute startup repair process, and my results for attempt number one is.. that there is no system state for me to backup to, (which isnt right becasue I made a system state.. 2 of them actually)

I'm rebooting now to try another option. And thats to use a backup point

The most recent restore point is a windows update on 11/10/2010 at 3:31:45 am

I now have to open command prompt and open the registry window. I used the regedit command.

Now i have to move a file from my documents folder to a flash drive.
so in command prompt i went to my documents folder by typing "cd documents"
and then typing "copy lolwut.jpg f:\"
my message read "1 file(s) copied."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Project 14-6

I had to create a custom console for my desktop by following steps in the book, ha.
here is a screen shot of my console, next to the icon of it on my desktop.

Project 14-5

Editing and restoring the registry

I had to export a registry key to the desktop prior to making a change, I named it lol.
Then I changed the name of the recycle bin to trash can. here is a screen shot of all my hard work

Project 14-3

Practicing Launching Programs at Startup

1. Launch notepad at startup.
(clicked start > programs > right clicked Startup and hit open > then went to start>programs>accessories and copied notepad and pasted it in the startup folder. )

2. Launch command prompt on startup.
(licked start > programs > right clicked Startup and hit open > then went to start>programs>accessories and copied command prompt and pasted it in the startup folder. )

I restarted my pc, and notepad opened along with command prompt, successfully. No errors.
Then i removed the two programs off the startup folder.

Project 14-2

for this blog I had to disable all the non-windows startup items by using msconfig.
so I did here:

Then i downloaded and installed WinPatrol:

Then i went back into msconfig and enabled all the things i disabled and then restarted

When restarted, WinPatrol popped up messages for all the things I had re-enabled basically asking me if i'm aware of them being open.

Project 14-1

This project I basically have to show the difference in the process list in task manager between a normal boot, and safe mode.

here is a screenshot of the process list in a normal boot:

and here is a snapshot of the process list in safe mode:

the differences are that safemode does not run 'dwm.exe', 's3funkey.exe', 's3trayp.exe', and 'taskhost.exe'.

Chapter 13 page 655

I had to Manage hard drive volumes and create a new volume, but my drives were already partitioned and whatnot, so i could not initialize a disk being they were already initialized.

Chapter 13 page 624

I had to backup User Data.

Chapter 13 page 613

I had to verify startup programs by using msconfig.

Chapter 13 page 612

I had to check the harddrive for errors

Chapter 13 page 609

I had to defragment my drive.

Chapter 13 page 608

I had to do a cleanup on the harddrive.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

CTS-120 Project 13-4

So basically I have to back up my system state to a folder, change my backgroud picture, the screen resolution, and the windows theme.
Then I must remove and add a Windows component, reboot my pc, and verify my changes are implemented.
Finally I'll restore my system state from the backup I made.

Here is my desktop before the restore

Here is my system restore, its location is... I have no idea. BLAHH.

As for the changes I made, I changed the windows theme, the background picture, and i lowered screen resolution.
here is the desktop afterward.

I also had to add and remove some windows components. I added the games folder, and I removed Internet Explorer (ha might as well keep it that way)

I restarted my pc. Then did a backup to the system state I made.
I notice one thing instantly about my backed-up pc.. and thats the background image as well as the theme didn't go back the way it was before the backup was made. (I find that kind of odd...)
But all the other changes are gone, my resolution is back to its default, the games arent there, and internet explorer is.

soo yep.