Friday, September 3, 2010

CTS-120 Project 2-2

So for this lab we had to download Fresh Diagnostic, a program that basically does the same thing as System Information. It downloaded really fast, and it was only around 2 mb. Didn't try to install a bunch of crap on my system when I downloaded it, which is kinda uncommon, ha.

As for those questions we're supposed to do...

Which utility is easier to use and why?
I would say System Information was easier to use, simply because it doesnt seem to be as in depth as Fresh Diagnose. All the different buttons and lists are a bit overwhelming.

Which utility give more information about your system?
Fresh Diagnose by far.

What is one advantage that System information has over Fresh Diagnose?
System Information is a default program on all machines, so you don't have to go download it.

What is one advantage that Fresh Diagnose has over System information?
Plain and simple, it does a LOT more. You can even look at installed programs, and it gives a very detailed description of each program.

Which utility do you prefer and why?
Fresh Diagnose, I never even really used System Information, and now that I've checked out Fresh Diagnose, I'll actually keep it on my pc lol!

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