Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Project 16-1

16-1 scanonce

Digging Deeper into System File Checker.

1. What are other parameters for the sfc command besides /scannow?
sfc /scanonce.

2. Explain the purpose of the findstr command when finding the log file.
The findstr command is short for find string and is a command used in MS-DOS to locate files containing a specific string of plain text.

Can a filename other than sfcdetails.txt be used in the findstr command line?
Yeah, it could be anything really. Any file can be found, you just have to be specific.

What is the purpose of the edit command?
to edit things
Explain why the icacls command is needed in the process.
Icacls.exe deal with the process manages Windows dll files and loads them into Windows memory.

List some ways that you can locate a known good copy of the corrupted system file

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