Tuesday, September 14, 2010

CTS-120 Project 3-1


Project 3-1

Dave Mathis

1.) In the role of desk-side support to users, what do you think is your strongest social skill that would help you succeed in this role?

Probably my ability to be patient, kind and have a sense of humor.

2.) What is likely to be your greatest interpersonal weakness that might present a challenge to you in this role?

My randomly timed inability to pay full attention.

3.) What is one change you might consider making that will help you to improve on this weakness?

Take some kind of medication for my Attention Deficit Disorder, ha.

4.) In the role of phone support at the help desk, what part of that job would you enjoy the most? What part would give you the greatest challenge?

-I would enjoy being able to help someone troubleshoot their problems, It would really only be enjoyable if the person listened well, and followed directions and there wasn’t any problems. Other than that I can’t see it as being very enjoyable at all.

-The part that would give me the greatest challenge would probably be keeping hope that I can actually help them with the problem, depending on how bad the problem is.

5.) When making on-site calls to corporate branches, what part of this job would you enjoy the most? What interpersonal skills, if any, would you need to develop so that you could do your best in this role?

Well, I would enjoy because odds are if I’m calling a corporate branch, I wouldn’t need to worry about it being someone I can’t understand, or someone that doesn’t have a single clue as to what they’re asking of me.

Interpersonal skills to develop, would probably have to be to watch my language. I can have quite the sailors mouth sometime.

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